By Chris Granozio

First off: the elephant in the room. Yet another Nor’easter has come and gone, leaving a whopping 3.2 inches in New York City. A 0.1-inch dusting in Boston. West Hartford got the worst of it with 15 inches. Games across the region were postponed a day or two in advance. The simple fact is that the storm was fast-moving and cleared most of the areas where games were scheduled many hours in advance. All the weather forecasts I saw YESTERDAY had the storm drifting off to sea by early afternoon, several hours before scheduled tip-offs. You mean to tell me that New Haven and Southern Connecticut – whose campuses are 3.2 miles apart – couldn’t have played tonight? Dominican and St. Thomas Aquinas are even closer, the campuses occupying opposite sides of Western Highway. As I type this at 4 pm, there is bright sunshine in Manhattan.

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